Friday, February 23, 2007

Around the Majors for Friday

Lots of interesting stuff going on in spring camps -- and I'm not even counting the ongoing soap opera involving Manny Ramirez and that Atlantic City car show.

* In Yankees' camp, it's beginning to look like the New York media has identified Mike Mussina as this year's punching bag. Murray Chass of the New York Times got the ball rolling with this story in Friday's paper...

* White Sox fans -- and keeper league owners (like yours truly) locked into a contract with Juan Uribe -- breathed a sigh of relief on Friday when news broke that the shortstop had been cleared of all charges in an off-season shooting in the Dominican Republic ...

* At Blue Jays' camp, apparently ace Roy Halladay has grown jealous of all the attention given to new Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka and his alleged "gyroball." Find out how he plans to grab his share of the spotlight...

* I always hoped Edgar Martinez would make a comeback...

* Mark your calendars -- the Phillies and Mets meet in a three-game set at Citizens' Bank Park beginning April 9th. And somebody's gonna get beaned...

* One thing we heard all during the Carlos Lee Sweepstakes this past off-season was that teams were concerned about Lee's conditioning. So what did the Astros do when he reported to camp? They gave him pancakes, of course...

Lastly for today -- am I the only one who feels like he stepped into a time machine? A quick glance at the baseball headlines for today revealed that Randy Johnson feels good...Roger Clemens doesn't know what his next move might be...Sammy Sosa put on a big-league uniform...and Pedro Martinez is trying to get healthy.

Even though the calendar says "2007" I could swear it feels like 1998...

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